Rare Care

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+91 93110-58747

+91 93110-58747


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Speech therapy is beneficial for individuals of all ages, including children and adults. It can help those with speech delays, stutters, speech sound disorders, language disorders, voice disorders, and communication challenges related to medical conditions or injuries.

The duration of a session varies depending on individual needs, typically ranging from 30 to 60 minutes. The number of sessions required varies based on the severity of the speech disorder and the progress made. A personalized treatment plan will be discussed during your initial consultation.

Virtual speech therapy can be equally effective and convenient. Our therapists use engaging online tools and interactive exercises to deliver personalized sessions and monitor progress effectively.

To schedule an appointment, you can call our clinic, send an email, or fill out the appointment request form on our website. Our team will promptly assist you in finding a suitable time for an evaluation and therapy sessions.

Before your first appointment, gather any relevant medical or educational documents related to your speech concerns. Prepare a list of questions or concerns you have, and come with an open mind ready to discuss your communication goals.

We provide speech therapy services for individuals of all ages, starting from infants to the elderly. Our therapists tailor approaches and techniques to suit the unique needs of each age group, ensuring effective communication development.

Take a deep breath! Trust.
There is a Solution

Your voice matters, and so does your trust.  Schedule an appointment with us to start your personalized speech therapy journey, tailored to your unique needs.

What's Next

We Will Take Care Of You

Let’s take the necessary steps together. You’ll receive 100% hand holding with Rare Care Therapy Point. We are committed to your well-being and progress. Your jouney begins here.

Make an Appointment

Your journey begins with a simple step—schedule an appointment and take the first stride towards empowered communication.


In a personalized consultation, we listen, understand, and chart a tailored path, ensuring your needs and goals guide our approach.

Therapy / Counseling

Engage in transformative sessions, crafted to refine your speech and empower you to communicate confidently and effectively.

Final Result

Experience the gratifying outcome of your dedication—clearer speech and a future where your voice is your strength.